Michael discusses Aquaculture Landscapes at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum on March 28 at 6:30 pm, as a part of the museum's Food for Thought lecture series. The lecture is virtual, free and open to the public. Register here.
Aquaculture Landscapes is now available in softcover format, in addition to the original hardcover and E-book formats.
Aquaculture Landscapes is awarded the 2020 John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize from the Foundation for Landscape Studies. The prize is given to books that have made significant contributions to the study and understanding of garden history and landscape studies. Only books based on original research and those that break new ground in method or interpretation are considered for the award.
Aquaculture Landscapes is reviewed in the November 2019 issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine. The 2,000-word review, by Nathan Heavers, calls Aquaculture Landscapes a "visual feast with something to lure every reader: landscape historian, urban ecologist, entrepreneurial fish farmer, and landscape architect." The review lauds the 15 case studies featured in the book as a "beautifully illustrated and masterful collection of analytical drawings that explains the form, material, processes, and natural histories of a globally and temporally diverse catch . . . . Ezban trains our eyes to read the choreographed flows and forms of aquatic systems, sharpening our senses to design for fish and humans."
Michael gives a book talk at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. The talk is open to the public and held in Piper Auditorium at 1:00pm.
Aquaculture Landscapes book is available for purchase.